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Colorful Crystal


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Carol McKnight - Jan. 1, 2025
Krystal and Nichole created a holiday miracle and blessing for a young dog who needed an emergency new home. Her owner had unexpectedly lost their housing in December and sadly needed to find the vulnerable dog  a loving home. Amidst the holiday preparations, obligations and confusion, Krystal and Nichole sprang into action. With many a phone call and text message, they were able, in four days, to find her a forever home with a person who had been longing to adopt just this sort of dog.
In a matter almost of hours, Krystal and Nichole arranged transportation, introduction to a new potential owner and his dog, and took all the steps for a successful adoption. It feels like a miracle, with so much love, understanding and compassion in their hearts for the dogs,  for the owner having to sadly relinquish their dog and for the new owner. He and his dog were able to welcome their new family member.
I wish with words I could adequately express how grateful I feel that Krystal and Nichole were able to help this dog and her owner. They were suffering both the parting with their dog as well as the trauma of losing safe housing. 
Pictures from Christmas Day show that the new family member, “Cassie”, is having a wonderful time with her new Dad and extended doggie and people family. I wish that all of the animals needing loving homes could have the kind good fortune of wonderful coincidences and the kind of care that Krystal and Nichole were able to offer.

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